This week — no sooner than she had returned from Wallowa Woodwinds music camp — Ivi is off with two cohort/designees to Portland where they will attend an Honors Symposium (“Happy Camp”) at University of Portland (or was it Portland State University) until the middle of next week. Here are the five photos required in her admission materials:
Nice Catch
Captured: America In Color 1939-1943
The Denver Post’s always-interesting photo blog recently published an array of color photos, taken between 1939 and 1943, by photographers commissioned by the Farm Security Administration and the Office of War Information. See them all on the Denver Post’s Plog.
This photo is by the late Russell Lee, one of the most famous of the FSA Stryker team photographers (along with photogs like Dorothea Lange and John Vachon).
A New Chinese Approach to MASS Transit
These people are definitely thinking outside the box. Stay tuned, and watch out.
Ivcalula and the Wallowa Woodwinds
Today we picked up Ivi from her weeklong stint with the Woodwinds @ Wallowa Lake music camp. The grand finale was a three-hour concert at Joseph High, where Ivi’s sax quartet — Ivcalula — performed a wholly unique, sassy, jazzy number which had each member stroll in while playing, then exit in the same way.
Later on, all of the saxophones (30 or so of them) played a killer piece that blew the roof off the place. Ivi was selected to play second soprano saxophone on that one.
Finally, it was all over with a massed performance by all 80-odd woodwind players, where Ivi became invisible.
Remembering Bullitt
You’ve probably seen this before …
But you may not know the intriguing backstory …