Pandemic Getaway

Warming weather, vaccines in arms for the elder household members and just plain cabin fever inspired a day run — the first since the inception of the pandemic — beyond our normal WaWaWA boundaries.

In Transit

From Walla Walla, we took Highway 12 to Hwy 730 near the Oregon border and along the Columbia River.  (Windshield photography, of course.)

Cold Springs NWR

After landing at Cold Springs National Wildlife Refuge (near Umatilla, OR), we hiked for six or so miles, spotting geese, ducks and other birdlife (including a huge raft of white snow geese that eluded the camera).

Cold Springs NWR (Original pano is 32,700 pixels wide)

McNary Beach

Next, it was a rest stop and lunch at McNary Beach on Lake Wallula, but not without a couple of miles of added hiking.

Twin Sisters

Then we retraced our route back along Hwy 730, this time stopping at the Twin Sisters basalt rocks in the steep cliffs along the Columbia.  We took a fairly short, but extremely steep trail along the Twin Sisters outcroppings, Kim equipped with hiking poles and Ivi nearby yours truly to catch any of many threatened falls.  And did I mention the ferocious wind?

Twin Sisters
Dizzy Above the Columbia

Coronavirus Diary: Flying Objects This Morning

On my morning walk down to my workspace, I engaged in my customary documentation of the neighborhood crows, especially watchful for murders …

Crow – March 9, 2021

Then I heard a buzzing above and behind me, turning to see that a very small drone, probably not more than one foot in width or diameter, was hovering at about ten or twelve feet from the ground.

Drone – March 9, 2021

No sooner than I turned and grabbed an image (with my fixed-length 105mm lens) of the thing, it quickly sped skyward.  And then it disappeared into the distance.

Drone (distant) – March 9, 2021

Seems to be a case of mutual surveillance…