Los Angeles, 1972: Alvarado and MacArthur Park

One early spring day in 1964 I packed my possessions — barely more than clothes, a portable record player, a box of vinyl albums and a clock radio — into my 1953 Ford Tudor (that’s how they spelled it) and left Iowa, driving pretty much straight through to Los Angeles, stopping only for gas and an hour or two catnap here and there. It was well after midnight when I took an off-ramp to Downtown Los Angeles, having no clue where to go and with an address only for a workplace to which I would report on the forthcoming Monday. I expected to drive around all night to try to get a feel of the place, but exhaustion set in and after a couple of hours came upon a small, rather derelict but friendly motel that seemed to be Latino-managed with me the only gringo in sight. The next morning I awoke, walked around and when I found myself on Alvarado near MacArthur Park and shortly discovered Langer’s deli and its pastrami, I knew that I had arrived in heaven. I stayed there for a few days to get my bearings, checked in later at my work destination (GAO, then on South Broadway) and eventually found permanent residence near Western Avenue.

Almost exactly eight years later, I seem to have photographed a bit of that old neighborhood (I frequently revisited Langer’s — as well as the wonderful 24-hour Canter’s deli in West Hollywood and a couple of other fine Jewish delicatessens in the S.F. Valley and elsewhere, just to digress) probably while going for a pastrami sandwich. These otherwise banal, undistinguished photos may give you a little sense of the area.

I also uncovered a few more photos, these dated 4/22/72, which appear to picture a VietNam protest rally at what I think would be the same MacArthur Park locale and timeframe.

P.O.P., Looking Back

When I first came to LA in the early 1960s, P.O.P. (aka Pacific Ocean Park) was a Santa Monica seaside amusement park often mentioned in the same breath as attractions like Disneyland.  Today, with the foul weather and a non-functioning camera, I again turn to my ancient archives of unprocessed b & w negatives, finding an undated set of exposures marked P.O.P. but which I estimate to have been taken sometime in the 1968 – 71 timeframe.  If I recall accurately, P.O.P. went bankrupt by the late 60s and was eventually demolished.  My favorite image of the series is this one:
Some other rather uninspired photos were on the roll, but I will display them anyway here for a little more context.

Another photo in the same batch shows the intersection of Bay and Main Street in Santa Monica.  I think Bay led right down to the beach, and may have been an entrance to P.O.P.  Here we can compare my early photo with a 2015 Google Street View capture.


Finally, the same roll of film contained a couple of unmarked, unexplained scenes that I cannot identify.  But they don’t look like Santa Monica to me.  Maybe someone can help out with this one.

Bunsen Burners and Backups

Well, today is supposed to be World Backup Day (so I found a pretty good how-to for you who need to mend your ways: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/30173/what-files-should-you-backup-on-your-windows-pc/), but Google also tells us that Robert Bunsen’s 200th birthday is celebrated today, so it is showing a commemorative animation on its site today (screen grab included here in case you are too late for the real thing).  But most of all, this is a beautiful day, the first time I have felt inklings of spring for many months.  As I walked to and from work:

On The Cloning Of Ivi

Today, Ivi took on a new project …

Well … great natural window light today, but nobody would wait long enough to let me grab the tripod for the needed long exposure …

So, anyway, this morning Ivi showed up with a couple of her friends and they — no boys allowed for a while — proceeded to cover Ivi in a layer of saran wrap followed by a layer or more of duct tape.  The outcome was a sort of armature or dress dummy (dubbed Viola)  to be used in Ivi’s project to design and fabricate her own prom dress from recycled whatever.  More project documentation:

More documentation may emerge over the life of the project.

Walking, Pointing and Shooting

Several years ago, the Company provided me with a then-used 4mpx HP Photosmart point-n-shoot that I carry almost always when walking to and from work.  From time to time, its limited memory card capacity becomes filled and I need to clean it out.  Here are some snapshots from the latest batch, taken in the past two or three weeks, mostly along Fourth Street.