Dreaded Boxes, 2021

The Dreaded Boxes project is renewed for the new year. You may recall previous entries.  This weekend’s efforts have revealed a few new discoveries, again probably of interest only to siblings and offspring.

Here, myself at an alleged eighteen months of age, interacting with a dog of forgotten name, with my parents’ circa-1934 Chevy in the background, with Cousin Anita nearby and some hint of perhaps Aunt Libby, assuming that the photo was taken by my mother, Thelma. (One of my favorites yet unearthed, just on the basis of its compositional photographic value, subject matter aside.)  The locale seems to be the Onawa, Iowa farm owned by one Doc Martin, my parents’ then-landlord:

Next, I found some early evidence of the family poet, my brother Dennis:

Dennis, Age 16.5
Dennis, Age 2.5