The Prayer Lady

If I head downtown in just the right window of time each day, I can usually see her walking very slowly to some unknown destination.  The first time we encountered, I was walking much faster from behind and called out to avoid startling her.  I could hear, from some distance back, that she seemed to be talking rather loudly to herself or some one unseen.  When she heard me, about to overtake her, she said “Don’t mind me.  I’m only praying.”

We have crossed paths several times.  She always waves and smiles, and then continues to pray aloud.  I have learned that she lives about two blocks from us, caring for and living with her adult autistic son, who has a black belt and martial arts trophies.  Sometimes he is with her, and I notice how gently and carefully he treats her, belying his almost fearsome appearance.   Her daily destination remains a mystery.

First Avenue – 1 April 2020