Mill Creek, More

Record water levels are now being recorded. And here are a couple of aerial views from the local newspaper, the Union-Bulletin, and its chief shooter, Greg Lehman.

Mill Creek Overflow (Greg Lehman photograph)

We are high and dry here. But things were different before US Corps of Engineers work on Mill Creek, and Bennington Lake overflow control mechanisms and scenarios were developed. Here is a 1931 photograph of flooding on Birch Street, a route I often take on my daily walk to the downtown workspace.

(Walla Walla Union-Bulletin photograph)

Crania 2.0

Crania has been resurrected.

I remember the excitement in our household when we learned that Crania had been selected, back in 1996, as a daily pick by then-dominant search engine,  Yahoo, as one of the best of the then-emerging Internet (back when it was capitalized).

Crania was the — brainchild, sorry — of brother Dennis and was one of the early literary and poetry “magazine” sites on the nascent World Wide Web. (By the end of 1996, there were less than 300,000 websites — up from 1 in 1991, following the Web’s invention in 1989; now there are about 1.7 billion.) Long dormant, you can now see its new incarnation at, and get some background here.  Leave Dennis a comment there to let him know what you think.

P.S. Crania is the product of the same Dennis whose daily poetry was featured here on WhileBusy for several months, and is still accessible, of course.


eofp (end of familial promotion, by the terrible writer in the family)