Month: March 2019
Poem of the Day – March 27
I asked the dog why she barked at the moon,
And she said, because it’s the moon.
You’re begging the question, I said.
Didn’t your mother teach you anything,
When you were in the kennel?
She gave me that look I take to mean
Give me a break, will you.
Why is the moon round, she asked,
And I wondered if it was a trick question.
I said, I don’t really know, come to think of it.
Don’t know? she said. Are you kidding me?
The moon is round because it’s the moon!
She had been standing but now she sat,
Proud of herself, I suppose. Deserving a treat.
That’s another logical fallacy, I said.
Circular reasoning. Surely you learned that somewhere.
At least I had an answer, she said, sounding miffed.
You didn’t know anything.
You didn’t even try to figure it out.
Okay, I said, it’s out there spinning in space
And over millions of years all the corners
And high spots get worn off and it eventually
Becomes a sphere. How’s that?
Idiotic, she said. The moon doesn’t rotate.
That’s why the dark side is always dark.
I’m very surprised you didn’t know that.
I was certain she was wrong but I didn’t know why
So I decided to change the subject.
Why do you chase cats, I asked?
Because they’re cats, she said, and she shook her head
And went off to her favorite corner to lie down.
© Dennis Hathaway
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Herman in Viet Nam 5
I can no longer keep up with these things. Herman’s descriptions are intermingled in separate paragraphs of text and not indexed to the individual photographs, but I know that they mostly document his cruise up the Mekong River out of Saigon. I can probably put you in touch directly with Herman if you desire more detail.
rDay Fourteen-Hundred-Sixty-Two
Poem of the Day – March 26
The eucalyptus leaves twitter against
The dull, flat sky. Is the sun’s absence
Punishable? The brain awakens more slowly
Than the muscles, the bones, the tissues
All twitching with energy pent up
In the inert but harrowing night, while the brain
Lumpen and inactive in the skull,
Sends rote signals here and there,
Without reflection. Random movements
Like the cat’s prowling through the labyrinths
Of back yards. Memory, knowledge, beauty,
Truth trapped on neural roads closed for repair.
It’s like the gray nest of wasps secluded in the eaves,
Light, sound, color, movement pokes it, keeps
Poking it until tractable thought comes pouring forth,
Buzzing, swarming, an angry chaos that erupts
Into the murmur of imagination, into speech, into
The reckoning that carries the bones and tissues
And organs into the tunnels and passages
Of another gray and bewildering day.
© Dennis Hathaway
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rDay Fourteen-Hundred-Sixty-One, Continued
rDay Fourteen-Hundred-Sixty-One
Poem of the Day – March 25
I wish to be loved and admired,
And yet know that I am not.
I appear cold, indifferent, hostile even.
Now and then an acquaintance will say
Did someone die? And I will say,
What are you talking about?
Even though I know the answer.
Or I will smear my face with an
Idiot’s grin and flap my tongue,
Seeking what I most fervently crave–
To be left alone.
Sometimes that works,
And sometimes it doesn’t.
Meddlers don’t easily give up,
Appointing themselves to rescue
Others from solitude, that state
Of egocentric bliss, a place beyond
The shifting contours of expression,
Where the things they think they see,
Cannot be seen,
Where the things they think they know,
Cannot be known,
Where laughter and song cannot be shared,
With the hard, uncaring world.
© Dennis Hathaway
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