The parrots come screeching over the back yard,
A pair of them, mates perhaps, or siblings.
I looked in Wikipedia, they are monogomous,
But like us? Highly imperfect, veering after
Another of their kind, caught in the fantasy
Of a thrill that might soar but sooner or later
Will land with a thud. They live in the
Giant fan palm down the block; the man
In the nearest house brought out his gun
And tried to shoot them; he was driven mad
By their loud shrill colloqies but his
Neighbors failed to understand, they warned him,
The police would be called if he tried again.
The man moved and the parrots stayed,
Their green feathers glossy in the sunlight,
Their cries of ecstasy or anguish or maybe
Just rote noises like the dog’s bark that
Erupts for no reason in the middle of the night.
Or no apparent reason, I should say,
Because how can we know what enters
The canine brain, the skull of the parrot
With its prehistoric beak, useful for cracking
Nuts and seeds, I learned, a fact of no
Importance, no utility in a world we believe
To be of our own making when it fact it
Belongs to the parrots that screech from
The regal heights of their lofty tree.
© Dennis Hathaway
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