Poem of the Day – March 23

The image in the mirror

Is you or it might be someone else

How can you tell?

Have you memorized yourself

Are you certain that an imposter

Hasn’t appropriated the ego

That sets you apart from me

And him and her and them

And tried to use your credit card

And sleep with your husband

Or wife. Voted for a candidate

You cannot abide, even committed

A crime. The only way you’ll know

Is if you turn yourself in.

Let someone pore over your DNA,

Your most personal possession,

More personal than a certain shirt

And the watch that tells imperfect time

But has some forgotten meaning.

Best to avoid mirrors altogether,

Forget the length of your nose

And the droop of your chin

And the baggy weight of your cheeks

And the lips half open with an observation

That vanished before it got that far.


 © Dennis Hathaway


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Herman in Viet Nam 2

Some more just came in.  I will post here until Herman finds a venue for publication (so we can just send links instead of having to repeatedly handle the image files).  Captions based on Herman’s notes.

Scooter Rentals
Park Near Herman’s Lodgings
Herman’s Neighborhood for Now
Historic ca 1900 French Opera House (I went there in 1967 and 68 — LEH)

rDay Fourteen-Hundred-Fifty-Nine

The Incident: Intersecting with Kim and Charlie on their walk while I return from my workspace, Charlie is menaced by a dog less than half his size, but its owner apologizes and seizes the miscreant before any contact occurs. Charlie is nonplussed.

And In Other Developments: