Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA

Tonight’s New York Times gives us a report on an expansive art extravaganza with extensive Latino art coverage that gives some of us even more reason to want to visit L.A. soon.  (And, by the way, one of the featured illustrative photos in the article depicts a piece from my old friend, Judy Baca.  Pacific Standard Time will also feature Judy’s work on the “Great Wall of Los Angeles“, a project that was in progress when I worked with her in the 70s and 80s.)

For more on Pacific Standard Time, see these sample articles from the LA Weekly and The Guardian.

Air Pollution Is Bad

And it can reduce your life expectancy, according to the World Health Organization and this University of Chicago interactive world map. I’m a believer, if the way I am still coughing and feel following the wildfire air pollution of the last few days means anything.

Also see this related story:

The Equifax Breach, More …

Some follow-up on the Equifax data breach:

1. C/Net reports that Equifax’s interactive process for determining whether you were impacted does not provide reliable or consistent answers, and they recommend that you should assume that your data was among that breached.

2. PBS last night reported that several weeks elapsed between the time the breach took place and when Equifax came public with the information, during which period some Equifax executives sold stock before it decreased in value by some 13% after the problem became generally known. PBS reporters also commented on the insufficient remedy offered by Equifax.