rDay Five-Hundred-Fifty-Seven: Deviant Behavior in Boise

Sunday (yesterday, retirement day 557) I drove to Boise in the Blue Car for a day at PCA* Silver Sage Region’s “OktoberFAST” showing of about 140 cars of the Porsche marque, assembled by member/owners mostly from Boise, but with some from Oregon, Washington and even Colorado.  The venue was something called The Village at Meridian, which seemed to be some shopping center developer’s notion of an English or European village, albeit with upscale or trendy shops.  Several of its somewhat narrow streets were blocked off, and when you stood at an intersection you could see nothing but Porsche for as far as the eye could see in any direction.  Well, that and hordes of humans and dogs, that is.  In fact the crowded foot traffic and the interplay of bright sun with deep shadows cast by surrounding buildings — together with the abundance of shoppers and visitors jumping in front of the cars to do selfies — made photography quite challenging.   I chatted briefly with a couple of pro-level photographers who also complained about the shooting conditions.  But nevertheless, I do have a few photos to document the experience (and I will add about 60 – 80 more to my car blog for a more  specialized audience less likely to be completely bored):

My favorite car on display?  Probably a 1965 “356” model, said to be a daily driver,  running skinny studded snow tires and equipped with a set of skis.  

FACTOID:  I accomplished the entire trip of about 380 miles in total at an average of 30.3 mpg, running at a “brisk” pace easily keeping up with traffic and frequently staying legal.  This, coupled with the age of the car and the fact that it reflects my keen interest in recycling, soothes my environmental conscience ever so slightly.  

*PCA = Porsche Club of America