rDay Five-Hundred-Six: Perseid Meteor Shower

Yeah, right.   We got no further than the back yard where we had to contend with all sorts of ambient city light.  In one and a half hours, I saw three meteor streaks, none during the time that my camera’s shutter was open.  Here’s what I saw (click to un-small each):

The second image catches the LifeFlight helicopter (we are directly on the flight path to the hospital up the street about three or four blocks) during one attempted meteor exposure.  (In case you are curious, I was shooting at a guesstimated f2.8, ISO 2000 for 30 seconds.  Using my old 1960s 24mm Nikkor lens with manual focus at infinity.  Tripod and remote shutter release, of course.  If I had been on my toes, I would have been chasing this the previous night, and would have had exposures & techniques down by tonight.  [sigh]).

For a decent capture, check out this example from space.com.  And you are sure to find many more fine images throughout the Interwebs, the Google-verse.