Seattle Day Three: Velouria

[rDay363 / Seattle Day Three / Tuesday]

Velouria (I almost always hear in my head Ray Davies’ “Victoria” from the 1969 Kinks song; go ahead, sing along) was a must-do destination during last week’s Seattle junket.

We took the express bus from Bothell (more about that adventure later) and walked up and down the hills of downtown Seattle, eventually meeting up with ever-beautiful and always-gracious Chika and her most excellent store (the brick-and-mortar part of the operation).

Now,  shopping for clothing and jewelry and “stuff” is not normally for me — inspecting the Lamborghini parked down the block was more like my thing — but Velouria is special. It is like an art installation … and it is. Everything makes you want to stop and look more closely. I was especially drawn to the photo-miniatures and the Airstream charm, but there were zillions of other objects that cried out to be gifted.  We couldn’t resist coming home with some goodies.

Do it: Shop Velouria!  Also on Instagram and FB, and probably elsewhere.  And in case you missed it, Velouria was the subject of a recent Seattle TV piece.