Seattle Day One: First Contact & Relating

[rDay361 / Seattle Day 01 / Sunday]

As soon as we secure our lodgings in Bothell, we make cell contact with Ivi, plug in the GPS and set sail down the freeway and across the streets to Seattle, the Ballard District, specifically. Ivi is on the corner to flag us in. We disembark, then make for the gathering spot of the Seattlites, the famous Duplex, where Ivi tells us that she has cooked up a fast meal for all. Everything has to move along quickly, as Melissa is about to head out to prep for her theatre performance (and Kim and I will see her there a bit later). In the meantime …

Here we take a look around The Duplex and its custom remodel by artists/designers Chika & Jared, undoubtedly made possible with the input of Lisle.

Then Jared takes us on a tour of his incredible workshop — the HQ of Small Crafts Studio, established after his stint as a founder/principal of Tactile.

Next, Rohit tells us about his latest adventures in his architect life and shows us around the house occupied by himself & Melissa & Ivi.

Seattle Day One: Hitting the Road

[rDay361 / Seattle Day 01 / Sunday]

We said adios to Charlie-Wag, then hit the road early in the morning. Exercising the usual windshield photography, practicing back-button focus on the way. Landed in Bothell mid-afternoon. All photos here were seen through the windshield or side window, or into a mirror. Helps pass the time. Stay tuned for the next step, but don’t expect anything to necessarily be in chrono order.