Retraction / Correction

Yesterday’s post characterized Kim and Charlie as “lost”.  Kim offers an alternative, purportedly more accurate account:  She and Charlie followed marked trails from a jumping off point on the southerly side of the mountain for a considerable distance through all sorts of terrain.  But after an hour and a half or so, Kim realized that she was too tired and too far from the starting point to return the same way, and reckoned that heading in the Mt. Glen direction would bring her out of the trails and near a main road on the northerly side much more quickly with much less expenditure of time and remaining energy.   So that’s what happened!

rDay Three-Hundred-Fifty-Five: Some Experiments

First, we try to determine the smallest chunk of an original that can be carved out and still yield a usable image.  Here was a medium-range  shot of the kitchen, with Kim at work, cropped to just under 5% (yes, I did the math) of the full sized original, with a little color/tint play as well.

Next, I have been practicing a new trick for focus that Corbin taught me.  In the case of Charlie, I forgot that I was handholding at 1/10 second — but maybe Ivi would still like to see it.