rDay Three-Hundred-Fifty-Three

Last night, we watched a Van Gogh documentary and I went to bed thinking about his use of shades of yellow.  So when I awoke, I jumped up to join Kim on her early a.m. Charles walk (instead of just rolling over for another hour as usual), thinking that I might be able to catch some crazy yellow/golden sunrise action and do double duty by testing an unorthodox lens/camera combination. So we headed for Gangloff Park, where I made some nondescript test shots while Kim & Charlie explored the landscape and ventured into adjacent Pioneer Park as well.

But, being the old curmudgeon I am, I tend to prefer black & white …

Later on today, we took surprise delivery of a package from my old and marvelous photog partner, Bill (remember him?) — two ancient, pre-digital-era manual lenses that proved capable of being bolted up to my new camera body. In my eagerness to try these things, I started with a nearly 50-year-old macro lens and shot handheld, bypassing any judicious and warranted use of a tripod. And I was obliged to use totally manual control over shutter speed, aperture and focus (that last one is the real challenge!). But here are some early results …