New York: Visiting Gabrielle and Self-Portraits

At least that is how this particular batch of negatives was marked.  Will probably need help from Dennis again to pin down the exact time period; I’m guessing 1974?  I often stopped over in NYC to visit Dennis’ family in the West Village on my frequent business trips to New York and D.C.  Mostly we just walked and did the subway, going from bookstore to bookstore.  And walked Gabrielle to school.  And shopped the deli’s.  (Perhaps my favorite city, but Tokyo has to be a close second.)  Easy to digress …

Brandelli’s Brig

Stumbled upon this one from circa 1977 Venice.  With a little memory-jogging help from brother Dennis and a current Google Street View image, we can compare this old West Washington Blvd (now Abbott-Kinney Blvd.) watering hole with its locally famous self-referencing mural, then …

… and now.
This place was within walking distance of my place on Westminster & Speedway, and just up the street from the old Chelsea Gallery, which I once managed.   No, there was no valet parking in those days.  And I recall encountering John Doe and Exene, pre-X, there once.