rDay Two-Hundred-One

20151012-DSCN0672-Edit-EditAs her final act (performance?) before departing for Seattle (via Portland for a few days and perhaps Corvallis), Ivi proposes that we engage Charlie in an early morning walk. We make a variation on the customary jaunt to Gekeler and past Birnie Park, through the Forest Service/EOU boundary fields, across to Lower Hillcrest and on to main Hillcrest, then return through the EOU campus early enough before the impact of classes and student traffic.

After eating a sumptuous breakfast upon our return, we assemble Ivi’s luggage, (including her shark ukelele) and await the arrival of biologist and former classmate John for the drive to Portland. By mid-morning they are off, and the house takes on a quietude not experienced for some time.

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