rDay One-Hundred-Sixty-Three: Late Afternoon

Ivi drives Dad to (unsuccessfully) pick up his shoes from the repair shop.  We drop by EONI to pick up a broken computer, and spot Jim driving home.  Once home, we hang out for awhile in the almost-cold of the back yard.

rDay One-Hundred-Sixty-Two

Today is special project day at former workplace, EONI.   I learn that Jon is a dad, Gary has a new RAV4 to replace his crashed Civic, Zach is knee-deep in customizing SharePoint, and Jeff thinks I have lost weight. Walking to & fro in the cool breeze, wearing my fleece vest, I see:

  • a Range Rover by a church;
  • a Sheriff’s car doing an abrupt U-turn in the middle of the block … as I walk by, the deputy jumps out, laughs a bit, says hello and quickly dashes up the sidewalk and ducks through a gate;
  • a dog riding riding in & out of an SUV;
  • flowers in a yard;
  • a message;
  • a Mini-Cooper hidden in the shadows;
  • a Wolfsburg Edition in red;
  • a shadowy sidewalk;
  • a 1950 Ford

rDay One-Hundred-Sixty-One

Visitors today included Olivia, a regular, and ‘Esa, just back from Italy.   Whoops, no pics.   

Kim was on a tear today with constant inside and outside projects, and both of the ladies of the house undertook a great deal of cooking.

With a college campus only a block away, it should come as no surprise that dog walks that must be accomplished within an hour happen at that venue.

rDay One-Hundred-Sixty: A Shopping Day

It’s off to replenish vittles for Charlie-Bob, where else but the local farm & ranch supply.  Then more of the usual, spotting nothing more interesting than a Corvette along the way.  Finally, it’s off to Farmers’ Market, where we figuratively run into Honorary Daughter Olivia and buy veggies from the (adorable, as Ivi would say) Platz Kidz.