rDay One-Hundred-Thirty-Two

The highlight, or lowlight, of this day was a visit to Dr. J.S. for a little outpatient procedure.  Kim accompanied me to make sure that I would show up for this one.

Then we make the typical shopping round for a Tuesday, looking for store specials and checking out farmers’ market.  (And watching for automobilia of interest along the way and visiting the Safeway magazine stand.)

Windows 10 Phones Home

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While many of us will be (and probably should be) upgrading our Windows computers to the Windows 10 operating system (from Windows 7, 8 or 8.1; hopefully no one is still running that unsupported and vulnerable OS, Windows XP), we should be aware of its privacy and personal data aspects. It really amounts to Microsoft jumping on the personal data bandwagon, which most of its competitors (Facebook would be the most egregious, in my opinion) have long done. Here is a discussion from the How-To Geek about “30 Ways Your Windows 10 Computer Phones Home to Microsoft”: