rDay One-Hundred-Nineteen: A Friend of OR-7?

Not A Wolf
Not A Wolf
This afternoon Kim received a call from the local ODFW (Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) office, with a likely confirmation of her sighting, more questions and status on the investigation that she has triggered. This followed her earlier report to them of seeing, while in an outing with Charlie in the hills and forest trails above La Grande, a wolf cross their trail not thirty feet away at about 7 am. She gathered up Charlie and reversed direction without further incident. Kim says the animal appeared to be “looking for critters”.

Learn more about Oregon wolves at oregonwild.org (http://www.oregonwild.org/wildlife/wolves) and the wolf famously designated OR-7, aka “Journey” ( http://www.oregonwild.org/wildlife/wolves/the-journey-of-or7?gclid=CKmM5peM8cYCFdKFfgodLWILag)

You may remember Jack Ohman, formerly the cartoonist with The Oregonian (and now the editorial cartoonist at The Sacramento Bee.  Ohman, one of my favorite political cartoonists ever, famously made a series of cartoons featuring OR-7, including this one from a few years back:

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