This weekend, Ivi made a fast trip home from Portland to…
- restore her hair color (aided by now-EOU-student friend Olivia),
- pickup her renovated bicycle (now equipped with new city tires, Portland-rain-appropriate fenders, a quick on-off shopping basket and fresh lube & adjustments),
- spend time visiting and haunted-house-adventuring with old friends,
- listen to Dad’s latest music,
- regale us with all manner of tales of mystery and wonder and adventure,
- gather food & cooking supplies, and
- cook, cook, cook.
Hardly had she arrived but we found ourselves Sunday morning watching her load up Jordan’s truck for the return trip (they had one final stop: breakfasting with Grandma Janet), and it was all over. For now. But plans were made, involving considerable logistics, for a Thanksgiving rendezvous right back here.