Laura Gibson & La Grande

We’ve been Laura Gibson fans around here ever since we heard her collaborations with the Portland Cello Project. And she has worked with Colin Meloy (Decembrists) and others in the Portland music scene. We have at least a couple of her CDs — If You Come To Greet Me and Beasts of Seasons — and continue to be charmed. A couple of weeks ago we heard that she has signed with a new label and will bring out a new album before too long. Hear the title track – La Grande — from that album here. Gibson, incidentally, comes from another small Oregon town, Coquille. Now I wonder exactly where Jeremy Peterson ate that muffin?

A New Planting

Intermittent rain didn’t stop this new landscaping project today.  Now to document everything, perhaps from the same camera angles, on an annual or semiannual basis.

And maybe I can get the resident landscape architect to identify everything, so we can post an annotated version…

Ivi Drops In

This weekend, Ivi made a fast trip home from Portland to…

  • restore her hair color (aided by now-EOU-student friend Olivia),
  • pickup her renovated bicycle (now equipped with new city tires, Portland-rain-appropriate fenders, a quick on-off shopping basket and fresh lube & adjustments),
  • spend time visiting and haunted-house-adventuring with old friends,
  • listen to Dad’s latest music,
  • regale us with all manner of tales of mystery and wonder and adventure,
  • gather food & cooking supplies, and
  • cook, cook, cook.

Hardly had she arrived but we found ourselves Sunday morning watching her load up Jordan’s truck for the return trip (they had one final stop: breakfasting with Grandma Janet), and it was all over.  For now.  But plans were made, involving considerable logistics, for a Thanksgiving rendezvous right back here.