One Long Weekend

Spreading across the entire lawn and consuming the entire weekend (well, almost), the girls — Ivi and her buddies Marina and Jeanie — attempt to raise some cash for college this fall, Europe this summer, etc. using the time-tested expedient of a yard sale. Of course, they supplemented their offerings with very well-received homemade lemon bars, chocolate chip cookies and Russian tea cakes (aka Mexican wedding cakes?) as well as free lemonade, ice tea and water.

Happy Birthday, IBM

The company that has evolved into the present-day IBM — International Business Machines — turned 100 today. Read more at IBM’s own site, see a couple of IBM and Errol Morris videos here, check out Time’s piece,  and Google for much more for the fascinating story of this American and global icon.  Hugely important right now, especially for its research work, let’s keep watching how this company and its industry unfolds over the next 100.  I’m hoping to be around …

Ivi Graduates