Senior Prom – Epilogue

Departing for the Prom in the Rain

After it was all over, around 11pm, about twenty kids came to Maison 1005 to continue celebrations. Throwing the boys out at midnight, about six or seven of Ivi’s girl friends stayed on for the entire night, with the parental types finally retiring around 2:30am.

We heard reports that the Viola Project caused quite a stir, and was the most talked-about attire of the evening, most young women having opted for more conventional formal wear. In case you didn’t know, the Viola Project was an effort to design something fashionable from recycled materials, newspapers in this case.

Furthermore, as a couple, Ivi and Jordan presented a distinctive and unique presence as Jordan was wearing his authentic formal military garb (did you know that Jordan — a first-class musician and actor and a fellow member of Ivi’s LHS Jazz Ensemble — was recruited by the Oregon National Guard to play horns in the official Oregon National Guard Band and Orchestra and is being likewise pursued by university music departments in Portland and elsewhere?)

We understand that many photographs, including a school-retained professional, were taken during the event itself.  We look forward to sharing that with you when the time comes.

Senior Prom

The Viola Project goes public, and more …


Crowdfunding Photojournalism kicked off its website last month and appears to be on its way to great success.  The site accepts project proposals from visual journalists and invites “backers” to sign up to support the project of their choice for as little as $10.  This enables important photo projects to be funded that might otherwise find difficulty obtaining mainstream backing for any number of reasons.  Projects have to meet strict criteria, and are completely transparent — photographers see exactly why or why they were not funded and backers get to interact with the photographers and view progress.

One such project, undertaken by the internationally-recognized photojournalist, Tomas Van Houtryve, amassed even more than his targeted goal within a few days, drawing the support of some 127 backers. You can find more about his story on his own site, on the site, on the A Photo Editor site or TVH’s Facebook page.