In the Run-Up to the Birthday

Presumably just about everybody is gearing up for the party this coming Tuesday Wednesday that would be in celebration of Bob Dylan’s 75th birthday.  Just to warm things up a bit, how about a little “Subterranean Homesick Blues“?

(Yes, you’re right.  That’s poet Allen Ginsberg to the left on your screen.)

I was reminiscing with friend John yesterday, considering all the music and too many favorites to even know where to begin, and realized that my music library includes 30 GB of Dylan in FLAC format on my 1 TB music server (with a full backup on another server), covering some 49 folders representing probably 30 – 40  albums (out of his total of somewhere around 60).   So I’m a rather lightweight fan…

By the way, I hear that my old neighborhood radio station/website, KCRW in Santa Monica, is going to do an all-Dylan playlist Tuesday Wednesday on its Eclectic 24 program.  Just browse to and click/tap on the Eclectic 24 link on the very top, skinny black menu bar.


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