This Just In

Today was a momentous day for Ivi.  A couple of papers were due, the acceptance of her thesis was up in the air, she was to make a oral presentation of her thesis, she was to learn whether she would be accorded special honors status (she was one of six candidates), etc.

So her mother got a call from her mid-afternoon to find that Ivi had been undergoing emergency treatment for a cooking burn on her hand (seemingly a reprise of the nastiness of one year ago) and missed out on everything.  But she called to say that all was under control, she had consulted with her instructors, and was resting and was medicated.

Another call came in at dinner time, intercepted by her dad, to say that she had just learned — about two minutes prior — that she was receiving the honors designation.  And she is “resting comfortably” and will be taking it easy, at least tonight.

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